SB 1359

The 87th Legislative Session passed a bill for mental health leave for Peace Officers (P.O.) when experiencing trauma while on duty. Below are the requirements for Districts to provide this new leave.

  1. The District’s policy must set forth clear and objective guidelines establishing the circumstances under which the P.O. is granted mental health leave.
  2. The District must provide mental health leave days in addition to the P.O.’s sick, vacation, holiday, state/local leave days. The law restricts the District from using the P.O.’s sick, vacation, holiday, state/local leave days to cover the P.O.’s mental health leave.  The P.O. mental health leave is a new classification of leave.
  3. The District must provide mental health leave days without reduction to salary or other employment benefits.
  4. The District’s policy must set forth the number of days of mental health leave that are available to the P.O.
  5. The District guidelines must detail the level of anonymity for a P.O. who takes mental health leave. If the District wishes to permit anonymous requests for mental health leave, it is free to do so, however, anonymity is not required.  All that is required is that the District policy specifically set forth what level of anonymity is required. 
  6. Mental health leave requires the P.O. to have experienced a traumatic event while on duty at the District. The law does not require Districts to provide mental health leave after a P.O. experiences a traumatic event on personal time or during employment for another entity. 

HB 2073

Another bill passed in the 87th Legislative Session created a new quarantine leave for Peace Officers. This leave is a new classification of leaves.  The following criteria must be met for approval of a quarantine leave (more are provided in the protocol).

  1. The P.O. must provide an order to quarantine/isolate due to possible or known exposure a) to a communicable disease and b) while on duty. 
  2. If quarantine/isolation is not ordered by the District Designee, the P.O. should be required to provide an order from the treating physician or Health Authority within a reasonable time. 
  3. For any quarantine/isolation-related reimbursement requests, the District should require documentation from the P.O. per reimbursement policies in place. 
  4. The law restricts the District from using the P.O.’s sick, vacation, holiday, state/local leave days to cover the P.O.’s quarantine/isolation leave.